Science Investigation
Road Safety Experiment
Safety Feature: Head Restraints
Aim: The aim of this experiment is to test the efficiency of head restraints with two simulated car crashes, one with and one without the safety feature.
Hypothesis: The rate of impact or deceleration will DECREASE when the head restraint is used. Also without the head restraint the plasticine dummy will either sustain damage to the head and neck or lose its head completely.
· 2 Dynamics Trolleys
· A slope
· Plasticine
· An accelerometer
· Toothpicks
· Styrofoam
· Tape
Our dummy in the vehicle with no safety features |
1. 1. A crash test dummy was constructed using plasticine for the body and tooth picks for the joints.
2. A slope was set up and the two dynamics trolleys were put into places, one at the top of the slope and the one with the head restraint at the bottom.
3. The accelerometer was attached to the dummy’s head and set up on the computer.
4. The dynamics trolley at the top of the slope was let go and allowed to roll down and collide with the rear of the other trolley that was stationary at the bottom, it to travel forward while- according to the law or Inertia- the head of the crash test dummy remains stationary. This is what causes whiplash.
Our dummy got whiplash |
5. The reading from the accelerometer was recorded.
6. The steps above were repeated again but one of the dynamics trolleys had a head restraint added; this was made from toothpicks, Styrofoam and tape.
7. All readings and results were recorded.
The first time we attempted this experiment successfully without a head restraint, the rate of deceleration was around -190m/s ² and the neck was severely bent back.
Here is a video of the impact:
Here is the graph of results from WinTec:
Add caption |
The second time we conducted the same experiment but with the addition of our safety feature. As hypothesized, this decreased the rate of deceleration and prevented the dummy's head from whipping backwards.
The rate of deceleration was only -125 this time.
Here is a video of the second impact:
Here is a graph of the results from WinTec:
For comparison, here is the deceleration results from both the tests in one graph:
See how that one safety feature made all the difference?
Discussion/ conclusion:
It has been proven now that head restraints do decrease the rate of deceleration and prevent whiplash and serious neck injuries in the event of a collision as long as the head rest is adjusted properly and secure.
These results show the utmost importance of safety features in cars, not just head restraints but all the others. Our poor dummy got whiplash, but if it was a real person in that car they would have died a gory death. These days cars are just too fast to not have safety features, because speed makes all the difference to the impact. Putting on a seatbelt and adjusting a head rest- it's not that hard, it should be second nature to everyone. So many accidents and deaths could be prevented if the safety features were used correctly and without fail.
So the moral of this is always make sure your safety features are working. Put on your seatbelt, test your airbags, adjust your head restraint. It's not rocket science.